March 2020 |
Duckworth: Senate should pass Bipartisan COVID-19 Response Act immediately
U.S. Senators Durbin and Duckworth want answers from Alden over plans for Tribune Publishing
Senators press Trump deputy EPA pick at confirmation hearing
Congressmembers host infrastructure meeting
Bill on immigration policy for children of U.S. servicemembers, civil servants passes Senate
At hearing on coronavirus, Senate panel learns that despite progress, gaps remain in aviation response to outbreaks
February 2020 |
50 women who made history as the first to do these extraordinary things
Sen. Tammy Duckworth talks about climate change
Senators demand ‘full investigation’ into VA Sec handling of sexual assault case at DC VA
Duckworth: Army's New Helicopters Should Not Be Designed for Anyone Else
Senators Call on Highway Administration to Finalize Car Seat Test Rules
This proposed law would help deported veterans finish the citizenship process
Senators Duckworth and Durbin announce public housing funding
With Chicago’s shoreline threatened, protection may have to wait as feds delay money for study
Duckworth receives Jane Addams Medal from Rockford University
Illinois Congressional Delegation Urges FEMA to Support State's Request for Extension of Flood Damage Assessment in Cook and Lake Counties
Duckworth urges FAA to require epipens on every flight
Illinois Lawmakers Invite Special Guests to Attend President Trump’s State of the Union Address
January 2020 |
After $25,000 fee, wheelchair users wait for better Amtrak stations, trains
Duckworth: Even Trump's lawyers made the case for witnesses