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September 2024
Kangaroo leather ban introduced in US Senate
Democrats' bill to protect IVF fails again: Why Republicans blocked it
Duckworth slams Trump, GOP after 2nd failed attempt to pass IVF protections
'I'm not even sure he can spell IVF': Tammy Duckworth doubts Trump on reproductive rights
For Duckworth, Preserving I.V.F. Access Is Personal
August 2024
Efforts underway to revitalize naval station’s ‘zombie village’; ‘No one should be living in Halsey Village’
Illinois senators secure $1 million to remove lead pipes from schools, childcare buildings
Biden designates the site of 1908 race riot in Springfield, Illinois, a national monument
Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth to lead U.S. delegation to Paralympic Games
‘Not very accessible at all’: How Capitol Hill still poses obstacles to lawmakers, advocates with disabilities
Congress didn’t recognize a race riot. Biden will make the site a monument.
Your turn: It's time to make school buses safer for our children
Duckworth reintroduces police training reform bill following Sonya Massey shooting
July 2024
Two US senators propose a STAND with Taiwan act
Senate Democrats Unveil Police Accountability Legislation After The Killing Of Sonya Massey
Senator Tammy Duckworth And Paralympian Matt Scott Open Up About Making Fitness For All In Interview
FCC slashes cost of phone calls for inmates, capping decades-long effort
Inmate phone call costs slashed by US agency
US Senator Tammy Duckworth visits Vietnam
NA Vice Chairman hosts US Senator
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