October 03, 2023

Duckworth Statement on Hotel Accessibility Supreme Court Case that Threatens ADA Enforcement Nationwide


[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement in advance of the Supreme Court hearing arguments in Acheson Hotels, LLC v. Deborah Laufer tomorrow. The Court’s decision could take away a valuable tool that helps ensure those in violation of the ADA can be held accountable for those violations.

“This case isn’t just about legal standing, it’s about whether Americans with disabilities should be forced to travel hundreds of miles to find out if a hotel they might want to stay in is accessible. In this case, Acheson Hotels violated the Americans with Disabilities Act, which has been law for more than 30 years, and has wasted time and money on this case when they could have simply fixed the issue, or obeyed the law in the first place.”
