November 07, 2020

Duckworth Responds to Election Outcome, Defends Integrity of the American Election Process


[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement after Joe Biden was projected by multiple outlets including Fox News and the Associated Press to become the 46th President of the United States:

“This election was a testament to the strength and integrity of our nation’s democratic process, and now is the moment for true leaders in the Republican Party to condemn any and all efforts to undermine confidence in the legitimacy of these results. More than 140 million people—including servicemembers stationed overseas whose votes are still being counted in many states—made their voices heard during this historic election.

“Donald Trump’s meritless, contradictory statements and legal filings will not succeed and they will not change the facts: when all the ballots are counted, Joe Biden will have won more votes than any Presidential candidate in history, he won by a historic margin and he won states long believed to be Republican strongholds that Donald Trump would easily win.

“The American people have spoken and, on January 20th, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. With new leadership in the White House, we will roll up our sleeves not just for the people dancing in the streets today, but for all Americans—including our friends and neighbors who believed Donald Trump would make their lives better. Now is the time to bring our nation together, reach out to those we’ve disagreed with and work together to solve our nation’s problems, get us out of this pandemic and rebuild an economy that works for everyone. Let’s get to work.”
