July 21, 2023

Duckworth, Klobuchar & Meng Introduce Resolution Seeking to Prioritize and Empower Mothers in the Workforce


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) joined U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and U.S. Representative Grace Meng (D-NY-06) in introducing the Mom Economy Resolution, bicameral legislation that lays out a plan to promote and empower mothers in the workforce and highlight the need for the United States to prioritize mom-nomics. The measure is an expansion of the Marshall Plan for Moms, which the lawmakers introduced during the height of the COVID-19 crisis, that sought to revitalize and restore mothers in the workforce, as millions of moms had to leave their jobs during the pandemic to take on increased caregiving responsibilities at home.

“In order to truly build an economy that is stronger than it was when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we must confront the crises facing working moms all across our nation and stop treating their time as both expendable and endless,” said Duckworth. “That’s why I’m proud to help introduce this resolution with Senator Klobuchar and Congresswoman Meng that recognizes the additional responsibilities that mothers have been handed throughout this pandemic and underscores the need to pass policies that would help moms succeed in our workforce—from paid leave to affordable childcare and beyond.”

“For far too many moms across our country, the struggle to find high-quality, affordable child care, a robust paid leave plan, and mental health resources can serve as a barrier to reentering and remaining in the workforce,” said Klobuchar. “This resolution recognizes the burden on working moms and the need to help mothers in the workforce with child care and other support.”

“Moms are a vital part of the U.S. economy,” said Meng. “It is estimated that if one percent of mothers moved from full time work to part time, families would earn an estimated $5 billion less in wages per year. When Moms succeed, America succeeds. It's time we prioritize mom-nomics and recognize the cornerstone that mothers are in our labor force, which is exactly what the Mom Economy Resolution does. This measure builds on my Marshall Plan for Moms to support mothers in the workforce and ensure they have the resources needed to thrive.”

The new Mom Economy Resolution reaffirms the commitment to helping moms and doing so beyond the coronavirus outbreak, continuing to prioritize mothers through investments in paid leave and child care programs, SNAP, the child tax credit and increasing the federal minimum wage. The legislation now includes additional provisions seeking to assist LGBTQ+ mothers and maternal care/family planning resources.

Duckworth is a fierce advocate of policies that support working families, including child care, universal-pre K, paid leave and more. Duckworth is a cosponsor of the Child Care for Working Families Act, comprehensive legislation to tackle the child care crisis and help ensure families across America can find and afford the high-quality child care they need. Duckworth also helped reintroduce the Healthy Families Act of 2023, which would guarantee paid sick leave to workers in America.

A copy of the resolution can be viewed here.
