March 24, 2020

Duckworth to Trump: Transition All Activated National Guard Troops to Title 32 and Cover Costs


[WASHINGTON, DC] – Combat Veteran and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today wrote to President Donald Trump requesting that all National Guard troops activated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic be transitioned to Title 32 authority. Duckworth is urging the federal government to continue covering all of the costs of these activations, as it has now done in New York, Washington and California.

In part, Duckworth wrote: “All 50 States and territories have declared emergencies in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. Thousands of National Guard troops have been activated under [State Active Duty] status and State governments are already struggling to cover the costs of emergency response operations required by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The policies that I am requesting you implement will provide States with certainty, and more importantly, critically-needed financial relief.”

A full copy of the letter is available below and online here.

March 24, 2020

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Trump:

I write in regard to the activation status of National Guard troops responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and request that you act swiftly to transition all National Guard servicemembers operating under State Active Duty (SAD) status to Federally-funded Title 32 orders.

Transitioning the National Guard in California, Washington and New York to Title 32 status and directing the Federal Government to cover 100 percent of the costs associated with operations in those three hard-hit States was the correct call. I strongly urge you to continue this policy by immediately transitioning all National Guard troops to Title 32 status in any State where a Governor has activated, or does activate, the National Guard under SAD status. I also request that you direct the Federal Government to cover 100 percent of the associated costs of all activations.   

All 50 States and territories have declared emergencies in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. Thousands of National Guard troops have been activated under SAD status and State governments are already struggling to cover the costs of emergency response operations required by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The policies that I am requesting you implement will provide States with certainty, and more importantly, critically-needed financial relief.

Acting on my request will also make sure that National Guard troops receive the full Federal pay and benefits they deserve in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and which are not available under SAD orders. Specifically, Title 32 enables activated National Guard troops to access TRICARE medical coverage, military hospital facilities, Federal worker’s compensation, death gratuity, GI Bill accrual and retirement points for service.

Our Nation will require a robust activation of National Guard troops to effectively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Adopting a policy of transitioning all National Guard troops to Title 32 status and covering the full cost of such activations, will make sure that members of the National Guard in every State are empowered to safely and effectively respond to this crisis.
