October 20, 2023

Duckworth to Support President Biden’s National Security Package to Keep America Safe, Strengthen Border Security


[CHICAGO, IL] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, a member of both the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, issued the following statement today announcing her support for President Biden’s request to Congress for additional resources to strengthen U.S. national security by investing in our domestic defense industry, countering China in the Indo-Pacific region, supporting Ukraine, helping innocent civilians in Gaza and Israel as well as bolstering security on our nation’s southern border:

“This national security funding request includes much-needed investments for our national security. It underscores the President’s—and our entire nation’s—unwavering commitment to the people of Israel and their unequivocal right to defend themselves, while providing critically-needed humanitarian assistance for the innocent civilians suffering in Gaza in the wake of last weekend’s Hamas terrorist attacks as well as aid to our partners in Ukraine. I hope everyone in Congress recognizes the urgent need to pass it as soon as possible.

“In addition to strengthening our nation’s competitive edge with China and supporting our allies and partners abroad, which is absolutely critical to ensuring the stability of our economy and preventing conflicts abroad from threatening Americans at home. This national security request includes substantive actions to strengthen our border—including adding more than 1,000 border patrol agents and helping American law enforcement stop the flow of fentanyl. Importantly, it also provides desperately-needed resources to help Chicago and Illinois provide humanitarian support to asylum-seekers.

“If Republicans want to show the American people that they truly care about national security, supporting Israel, strengthening border security and competing with China, they would put aside the petty, personal squabbles that have left the House unable to govern for almost 3 weeks and join Democrats in working to pass President Biden’s national security funding request immediately.”
