June 27, 2018

Duckworth Statement on Janus v AFSCME Supreme Court Decision


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Following the Supreme Court decision in Janus v AFSCME curtailing workers’ rights and limiting the ability of public-sector unions to collectively bargain on behalf of their members, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement:

“As income inequality rises and middle-class wages lag behind, we need to do everything we can to make it easier for working Americans to join a union and negotiate for fair wages and a better workplace. Unfortunately, this decision by the Supreme Court will do the opposite, overturning decades of precedent to make it harder for unions to effectively protect and support working people trying to achieve their own American Dream. I’m disappointed that the Court sided with the anti-union activists and well-funded corporations who want to chip away at workers’ rights, but I will continue to stand up to those who want to lower wages, roll back workplace protections and restrict entry into America’s middle class.”

Duckworth (D-IL) recently joined a number of Senate and House Democrats in introducing the Workers’ Freedom to Negotiate Act, which contains a number of much-needed reforms that would make it easier for workers to form a union and collectively bargain for better pay and safer working conditions.
