July 16, 2017

Duckworth Statement on Failure of Trumpcare 3.0


[WASHINGTON, DC] - After Senate Majority Leader McConnell admitted that Senate Republicans' 3rd attempt to force millions of working Americans to pay more for less care failed and announced that he would pull their most recent Trumpcare proposal from consideration, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement:

"With the country overwhelmingly against the proposal, it's no surprise the secretly-written Trumpcare plan is falling apart. Hardworking Americans shared their stories, showed up at town halls and made their voices heard. They let Senate Republicans know they didn't want to pay more for less care, rip coverage away from tens of millions of Americans and gut a program that 1 in 10 Veterans, 2 out of 3 nursing home residents and children with autism, Down syndrome and special needs depend on.

"But Senator McConnell and President Trump have already made clear this fight is not over. If people thought the latest Trumpcare bill was bad, full repeal of the Affordable Care Act would be catastrophic. Now is not the time to double-down on the same failed tactics that got us here. Senate Republicans should finally let bipartisan voices into these negotiations so we can get to work on common-sense improvements to our healthcare system we can all agree on."