March 09, 2017

Duckworth Responds to EPA Administrator Pruitt Questioning the Science of Climate Change


WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today issued the following statement after U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt stated during an interview with CNBC that carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to climate change, despite claiming in his confirmation hearing-which Duckworth participated in-that he did not question the science of climate change:

"I'm alarmed at what appears to be another Trump Administration official misleading Congress as they sought confirmation from the United States Senate. We should expect nothing less than the truth from those seeking to serve the public, but we've now learned that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt was less than forthcoming-at least twice-during his confirmation hearing before the Environment and Public Works Committee that I'm honored to serve on.

"When then-nominee Pruitt was asked if he used his personal email address for business or official purposes he claimed he did not. It took a court order, but we now know that he did. Administrator Pruitt also claimed during his confirmation hearing that he did not question the science behind climate change-science that 97% of scientists agree on-then turned around and told CNBC that he doesn't believe CO2 is the primary contributor to climate change.

"The American people deserve leadership in Washington that they can trust, but this President and his appointees continue to show they don't deserve it. Unfortunately, in the case of Administrator Pruitt, dishonesty could put millions of lives throughout the country at stake. We can-and should-do much better."
