January 19, 2019

Duckworth Reaction to Donald Trump’s Shutdown Address


[CHICAGO, IL] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement reacting to Donald Trump’s address today on the shutdown he forced and is perpetuating:

“The Senate already voted unanimously to prevent the needless Trump Shutdown without wasting billions on the most expensive and least effective way to secure our border: Trump's wall. The House has now passed bipartisan bills written by Senate Republicans to end the shutdown too, but Mitch McConnell is blocking Senate votes on those same bills that he supported just a few weeks ago.

“Hundreds of thousands of hardworking American's livelihoods are being held hostage by Donald Trump's ridiculous demands for billions in wall funding, and this supposed ‘offer’ does nothing to change that. Mitch McConnell needs to stop protecting Trump from looking like a fool for picking a fight he can't win, and McConnell needs to let the Senate end this shutdown today.”
