May 28, 2021

Duckworth: President Biden’s Budget Proposal is an Investment in America’s Working Families and Middle Class


[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement today in response to President Biden’s budget proposal that would focus on supporting working families and the middle class:

“President Biden’s budget proposal lays out a bold, forward-thinking, ambitious vision for America’s future that would focus on and invest in rebuilding the middle class by making historic investments in working families, strengthening child care, expanding paid family leave, making healthcare more affordable and increasing access to education. It would also help create good-paying jobs, rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, help us achieve a carbon neutral future, secure our power infrastructure and build a better economy that works for every American.

“President Biden’s first budget proposal sends a clear message that, to Democrats, working families come first—because we know that when working families have what they need to succeed, our nation thrives.”
