January 19, 2022

Duckworth on Republicans Blocking Critical Election Protection & Voting Rights Bill


[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement after Senate Republicans again blocked critical election protection and voting rights legislation from moving forward in the Senate:

“I’m deeply disappointed that Republicans once again blocked efforts to protect voting rights and our nation’s elections even as Republican officials across the country are leveraging the Big Lie to embark on one of the most aggressive assaults not only on the right to vote—especially for communities of color and Americans living with disabilities—but also on democracy itself.

“While Republican Senators stall desperately-needed reforms, Republican-led states are stacking the deck to make it easier for them overturn the next election if they don’t like the results while making it harder for Americans to have their voices heard.

“Let me be clear: I will defend the rights of millions of Americans, regardless of their party, to participate in our democracy over the rights of any single U.S. Senator to prevent them from doing so because there is nothing more important than protecting the integrity of free and fair American elections.

“Democracies die when those in power ignore or silence the will of the people and, as someone who fought in uniform protect and defend our Constitution, I won’t sit back and allow Republicans to make a mockery of it.”
