December 09, 2019

Senate leaders ask for input on ways to address climate change

Source: KFVS


The co-founder of the Senate’s first-ever Environment Justice Caucus, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill) led 15 of her Senate colleagues in sending letters to leaders in the environmental justice movement.

The letters asked for input on policy that could lessen the impacts of climate change in low-income communities and communities who inherited environmental burdens.

The letter in part said “It is well past time for Congress to partner with you and your communities in taking action to address the risks and impacts associated with climate change. Generations of economic and racial inequality have disproportionately exposed workers, communities of color, and others to low wages, toxic pollution, and climate threats. We must commit to justice in our Nation’s environmental and economic policies by ensuring that climate change solutions benefit the hardest hit workers and communities. Simply put, special attention must be given to the industries and communities that are most likely to be impacted by the effects of climate change and the transition to a clean economy.”

A full copy of the letter can be read here.

The letter asks for a response from leaders by Jan. 31, 2020.

By:  Olivia Grelle