December 04, 2019

Resolution to name November as National Runaway Prevention Month passes Senate

Source: KFVS


WASHINGTION, D.C. (KFVS) - A bipartisan resolution, introduced by U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tim Scott (R-SC), that recognizes Nov. as National Runaway Prevention Month, passed the U.S. Senate this week.

They hope resolution will help raise awareness of the nationwide runaway and homeless youth crisis.

The resolution will also help educate the public on how to help end youth homelessness.

U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Patty Murray (D-WA) also co-sponsored the resolution.

“It’s a tragedy when any child does not have a safe roof over their head, but all too often their heartbreaking stories go unheard and unnoticed,” said Duckworth. “I’m glad my colleagues passed this important bipartisan resolution, which will help raise awareness and bring us closer to assisting children and families break the cycle of poverty, secure affordable housing and access a safe and supportive home environment.”

“One of the best ways to advance efforts to end youth homelessness is to raise awareness of the challenge with the American people who exhibit great generosity for worthy causes that support our neighbors in need,” said Sullivan. “I’m glad to see Senator Duckworth’s resolution recognizing runaway youth pass the Senate, shining a light on the millions of vulnerable young people without a support system, a home, or financial security that so many of us take for granted.”

“With Senate passage of this resolution to recognize November as National Runaway Prevention Month, we can raise awareness about the resources available to address the youth runaway and child homelessness crisis that affects nearly 4.2 million children annually,” said Durbin. “This bipartisan effort will help us ensure the safety of homeless and runaway children while addressing the root causes of this crisis by providing support to children experiencing these traumatic circumstances.”

These youth have an increased risk of becoming victims of human trafficking.

Homeless youth are also more likely to be coerced into participating in criminal activity.

This resolution is supported by several Illinois-based organizations, such as the National Runaway Safeline (NRS), the Night Ministry, National Network for Youth (NN4Y), National Safe Place Network, National Center for Housing and Child Welfare, SchoolHouse Connection, Covenant House International.

By:  Ashley Smith